Are You Ready to Help Others Wake Up and Shine On?
We would love to help you bring your podcast dreams to life.
We have put a lot of love and energy to our network and building this safe space for other high vibe humans with a message that fits our core values of Inspiration, Changemaking, Activism, Love, Equality, and Unity for the Global Community.
If you are ready to share your positive messages, adventures, advice, and journey with the world we would love to hear from you.
Why Join Our Network?
By joining the Bring Me 2 Life Network not only will you have access to an already inspired and linked in tribe of people ready to listen to your offerings, but also a team of experienced creators ready to help you share your magic with the world.
By investing your small monthly Podcast Host investment, you have the opportunity to upload, schedule, and share your episodes on our main platform. Once that is up and running, we can help you get it on Amazon, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, YouTube, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, Castbox, Deezer, Podchaser, as well as our social media profiles, and community pages. Additionally, we'll promote your content on our social media profiles and community pages, expanding your reach and saving you time and effort.
By joining our network, you'll benefit from a team that keeps you accountable and helps you reach a different audience. We offer two options for joining: a Bi-weekly and a Monthly release option. Explore the details of these packages below.
As your show gains traction and builds a following, you'll have the opportunity to explore monetization options. These possibilities will be discussed once you've consistently produced content for at least five months, allowing your podcast brand to gain momentum.
Step into a supportive community of creators and take your podcast to new heights. Reach out to us today to explore the bigger opportunities we offer for creating even more compelling content.
READY TO LAUNCH? Contact us and pick your membership package below!
Looking for advanced support to LAUNCH your podcast?
Learn how we can help you get started with everything you need by clicking HERE!
Basic Membership - $22* Join our Network
Do you do your own editing, uploading, and promoting? This may be a great option for you!
If you’re interested in being a part of our network but have your own RSS feed rolling we would still love to here from you and work together on promoting your podcast, please reach out and click the “Join Here” button!
This option also includes
*Website advertising of your ready to go podcasts that are in alignment with our core values via our front page.
*Upload an Unlimited Number of Episodes to your own RSS send descriptions our way for promotional boost.
*Being Part of a High Vibrational Community of Podcasters
*Represented with a Personal Page in Our Podcast Directory
*Opportunities to Grow and Monetize Your Podcast
*One Social Media boost per month via our platforms.
Monthly Podcast Support -
*Gain help with edits and promoting One Episode a Month
Are you frustrated with trying to learn the tools needed to edit and promote your podcast?
If you want us to help with just one episode each month, this is a really affordable option.
* You can send us the content whenever it is prepared
This option also includes
*Simple Noise Reduction Editing and Basic Editing Requests.
*We’ll Create an Article for the Website and Social Media Graphics for ONE Episode Each Month
*Being Part of a High Vibrational Community of Podcasters
*Represented with a Personal Page in Our Podcast Directory
*Growth Opportunities to Grow and Monetize Your Podcast
Prices Vary upon Needs please schedule a discovery call.
Biweekly Podcast Support-
*Gain help with edits and promoting two episodes a month
If you’re looking for help with a little more podcasts each month, this option comes with two podcasts edited per month.
We would need to receive your audio files by the dates arranged between you and us each month if there is a deadline.
* You can send us the content whenever it is prepared ahead.
This option will help you build your portfolio quicker and gives you the opportunity for a little more wiggle room to share more content.
This option also includes
*Simple Noise Reduction Editing and Basic Editing Requests.
*We’ll Create an Article for the Website and Social Media Graphics for TWO Episodes Each Month
*Being Part of a High Vibrational Community of Podcasters
*Represented with a Personal Page in Our Podcast Directory
*Opportunities to Grow and Monetize Your Podcast
Prices Vary upon Needs please schedule a discovery call.
Advanced Package - $150 *
This subscription includes help with the release of at 4 monthly podcast and social media blasts. * Great for someone who is busy and active with their podcast.
This option also includes
*Simple Noise Reduction Editing and Basic Editing Requests.
*We’ll Create an Article for the Website and Social Media Graphics for FOUR Episodes Each Month
*Being Part of a High Vibrational Community of Podcasters
*Represented with a Personal Page in Our Podcast Directory
*Opportunities to Grow and Monetize Your Podcast
Prices Vary upon Needs please schedule a discovery call.
Full Service Package -
**We edit and promote 6 episodes a month
This subscription includes help with the release of at least 6 monthly podcast edits and social media blasts. * The busy bee package for those who are doing more than one a week.
This option also includes
*More Advertising and Promotional Opportunities
*Simple Noise Reduction Editing and Basic Editing Requests.
*Help Getting Your Podcast Up and Running Including Titles, Intros, Music, Graphics, and More
*We’ll Create an Article for the Website and Social Media Graphics for 6+ Episodes Each Month
*Being Part of a High Vibrational Community of Podcasters
*Represented with a Personal Page in Our Podcast Directory
*Opportunities to Grow and Monetize Your Podcast
Prices Vary upon Needs please schedule a discovery call.
Need special services like help recording your podcast, editing it, creating intro music, or one time editing training so that you understand what to do yourself?
Please reach out. We offer sliding scale editing and production services depending on the project at hand. We are here to help you SHINE. So send us an email with your desires or needs to succeed.
Looking for help Branding your podcast? Learn how we can help you build your brand by clicking HERE!
NOTE: There is a Launch Package fee to get you started. We have a basic and advanced option that will be discussed when on-boarding your podcast to the network.
You’re brainstorming and excited to get started?! GREAT! Here are a few things you can begin working on that we will also need to make your launch and podcast successful. However, don’t worry if you do not have these things together yet. If you need help creating these parts of our branding reach out to us at and Shannon or Selomon can give more details on branding options.
You will need:
Title and Logo
*This can be the same as your personal website or logo, and is actually recommended.
It does not have to be a logo specifically for the podcast.Intro/ Music
* There are royalty free music options available. Or we can help you create something custom.Promo Photos for episodes or to post on social media.
* Professional head shot or photo of some kind is required.
Can’t be a phone selfie. Must be clear and good quality even if a phone is used.Quality Recording Gear and Applications.
*It’s actually pretty affordable and simple!** CLICK HERE FOR OUR RECOMMENDED GEAR AND Recording App Info! **
I’m sure you are excited! Are you working on your podcast themes and ideas? Maybe you are even ready to start recording?
Once you sign up we will send you a link to a google document specifically for you to use to update and keep us informed of your upcoming podcast themes.
Keeping this document up to date will help us not only create graphics or scheduled promotions for your content but also help us alert you if a theme is not fit for sharing or better for sharing at a different time.
We will be creating a “Content Theme Map” of suggested topics that we will be covering on the Bring Me 2 Life Flagship podcast incase you would like to discuss them as well to cross promote.
Current Upcoming Themes:
May: Getting Back To Our Roots | June: Getting Active In Your Communities | July : Freedom
Proposed Show Format:
(What segments in what order will the show run? Here is an example of one below)
1. Intro
2. Guided Meditation
3. Spiritual Discussion
4. Entro
Other tips:
Create a content library that you can build from.
When you start you will want to have at least 3 podcasts recorded to give yourself some room to breathe and grow.
Podcasts are a roller coaster, they can be really fun, and sometimes scary and annoying to keep up with at times
But, you always feel accomplished once you make progress and take the ride!
Create content for topics that bring you joy.
If you need to switch gears find a way to do so and keep following your spiritual inspiration
Make a list of topics you can do.
Talk about things you’ve done that heave helped your journey
Talk about your spiritual tools or practices
lead a meditation
take us on a journey with you
find inspirational people to interview.
you can also sometimes record the audio only from your livestreams and turn them into podcasts
Ask us questions we are here to help.
We’ve got it set up super simple for you to be a part of.
Once you sign up for the option that works best for you we will set up a scheduling date system for you.
These will be dates we will need your content by so we can get it scheduled on your feed.
We will set up a Google Dropbox between us for you to drop your audio files in.
You then send us an e-mail to let us know you dropped it in the folder
In that email you will need to give us a short description of what you covered so we can share it quicker.
Any pictures for promotion are super helpful. Simple graphics or photos of you so we can feature them on our social platforms with your links
**Higher tiers we will listen and create descriptions for you if needed.
Once we recieve your content we will schedule it and launch it into the interwebs for you. Add it to our media platforms with your tags
and you get to relax. But you will need to share it on your own social media. ;) That part is your job. But it will help the whole team.
Remember Teamwork Makes The Dreamwork.
We are here to help you shine the best we can!
We even have a few super simple videos to help you learn audacity for basic edits you may wish to do on your own.
It’s actually a free program that is super easy to learn the basics on. Hit us up for more info.