Aquarius the Water Bearer

Ruling planet Uranus.

They are a fixed sign.

Element: Air

Dates: January 21st - February 19th

First, let’s get one thing straight. Aquarius is an air sign and a fixed one at that. Meaning they have all the typical stubborn traits of one. We also have started to shift into the age of Aquarius. Let’s talk about the lore for a second….

Ganymede the most handsome of all men in Troy during the time of the gods. This is where the story begins of how we get Aquarius. You see upon stumbling down by the river, Zeus decided he need a new partner. Tuning into a massive eagle, he took a boy up into the heavens. Where he then made him his cup bearer also known as the water bearer.

The boy feeling slighted and missing home had enough, he proceeded to pour all the wine and mead from the heavens in a tantrum. This is where the Great Flood came from. Zeus, feeling he had somewhat over stepped, put the boy in the heavens as the constellation we know today.

Aquarius are quirky and often come off a little bit weird to others sometimes at first. They are the yen to a Leos yang. Meaning where Leo is often seen as royalty, Aquarius would in a sense be seen as a high-ranking advisor, royalty in their own right. A lofty position indeed. While not as forth right, they do have an ego when it comes to their wits and intelligence. They are much like Leos as they are very forthright in talking to you. If you piss them off, you will know. It won’t be a roar of the lion, though it will be the dismantling of their persona. Where they shine is seeing through people with extreme prejudice.

Beating to their own drum, Aquarians are made from a different cloth. Someone could tell them something and they would do the other option. Why? Because they can is why. Aquarians go through things with curiosity and uniqueness. They are a very astute observer and question just about everything in life. Leos are enamored with people, while Aquarians, the water bearers, watch people. As the observer, nothing, and I mean nothing, gets past them if they are locked in.

With all that being said, thinking outside the box is their forte. Coming with out-of-the-blue thoughts and ideas, they bring life to those who stay rigid with the plan. As such, they often find humanities in need of their humanitarian skill sets, sensing and feeling the world around them can heal. Words carry weight with their intent. As such they should be careful how they dish information out.

All that brain power needs some relaxing time. Most Aquarian people are laid back in this regard. Certainly, Aquarians know how to have a good time. Though solace might come from being alone, which seems to be the Aquarians peace of mind.

You might find these people as humanitarians, science fields, anything that brittles with a knowledge base for its reputation.

As for being friends with them, you will know where you stand with them. They will not beat around the bush.

Often, they give perspective way outside of another sign when you have a problem. They make for great advice and cynic when needed.

They are lookers that’s for sure where their opposite, Leo, typically has a royal eccentric bold feature, the Aquarian has sleekness captivating eyes like ocean waves calm and serene. They also are eccentric but in a modest touch and go way. They typically adore a few essential power items, like a chain or jewels, some light makeup, and they are just natural stunners.

When being in the presence of an Aquarius, you can expect straight to the point, analytical, goofy, quirky most of all quick to come to your aid. They can come off as aloof at first, but I promise they make really good advisors.