Astral Projection: What is it?

Written By Selomon

First I want to say that this information I am about to present is based off of my own personal experiences, books, and research on what others have done/ experienced. Everyone has their own view and opinion on the topic. As you read, take in whatever resonates and leave behind what doesn't. Simple as that.

What is Astral Projection?

Astral projection is projecting your astral body/ energetic body/ spirit body into the Astral plane. You are moving all of your awareness out of your physical senses into another dimension. To accomplish this, you raise your vibration enough to move out of the physical world.


The Astral plane exists in the fourth and fifth dimensions. The astral hologram is an overlay on the physical world. You can see the same house as you do in the physical. You can see the same people as you do in the physical. You can see both the physical plane and the astral plane.  


There are less limitations in the astral world. Gravity does not exist which makes it possible to fly.  You don’t need to breath. You can travel outside of Earth and visit other solar systems, other planets, other galaxies.

Why Astral Project?

This was a question that I got when I did a workshop last year in Michigan. What is the reason one would want to astral project? What can you get from it? 

Astral projection provides an incredible amount of benefits that you don't have with other states of being. You can learn about the world by visiting with a spiritual guide. You can visit the Akashic Records and learn about other times or even other lifetimes.  The best part of astral projection is how tuned in you are to the experience. 

In most cases one would leave behind all physical senses and connect completely in the astral realm with one-hundred percent of their awareness. This means your ego isn't getting in the way. You don't have to deal with doubt. 

Are There Negatives to Astral Projection? 

Like most things, astral projection does have some aspects that you need to be warned about before starting this intense experience. The astral realm is available to the collective. There are beings and energies out there that don't always have someone's best interest at heart. This can be a scary aspect of the process and may scare some people away. 

But protecting yourself is easy and simple if you're willing to try.

3 Ways to Keep Yourself Protected

Please make sure that you read this part before attempting to project. By doing these simple and easy actions, you keep yourself safe from any unwanted energies attaching themselves to you.


1. Imagining yourself in an egg shaped light.

 You may use whatever color you feel is the most protective to you. I often use a golden, yellow light and imagine it surrounding my physical body. 

2. Knowing You Are Protected.

 This may sound too simple, but it's honestly one of the best way to keep yourself safe. You are automatically protected when you go out. Things only harm you when you give them permission either by getting trapped in fear, leaving yourself open, etc. 

By remembering and feeling that you are safe and protected, your aura will expand and force any harmful energies to fly far away.

3. Using Your Imaginative Armor

One really cool part about the astral realm is you can use your thoughts to make things appear and disappear. Allow your imagination to have fun and create a suit of armor around yourself. This will help to reinforce that feeling of being safe and protected.

Now that we got that out, let's move on to what ways one can project.




1. Meditation

2. Wake Up in a Dream

3. Near Death Experience

4. Death

1. Meditation 

The first one may be the most difficult for anyone trying it on their own. It can take a lot of time, practice, and diligence to successfully astral project. In order to project yourself, you have to completely detach and let go of the physical body. Your body falls asleep during this process.


When you meditate, focus on each specific body part for a few moments and let go of any stress or tension in that area. I like to start with the feet and move up. The order can look like this:


1.  Feet/ Toes

3.  Calves/ Shins

4.  Knees (Knees are often overlooked!)  

5.  Upper Thighs

6.  Hips/ Groin/ Buttocks

7.  Lower Back/ Naval

8.  Midsection of back and front

9.  Chest/ Shoulders/ Upper Back

10. Triceps/ Biceps

11. Forearms

12. Wrists

13. Hands/ Fingers

14. Neck

15. Face/ Head / Crown

Squeeze each specific muscle as tightly as you can and hold for a few seconds and then release. You may feel tension in a spot you haven’t noticed before beginning to relax. This also helps to  cleanse and clear your chakras.


Once your entire body is relaxed, visualize yourself moving your spirit body/ astral body around. Imagine kicking your astral legs, moving your astral hands around, and just imagine yourself really connecting with your astral body. The idea is to let go of the physical body and senses completely so you can be fully aware of just your astral body.  


Your physical body may go numb and a floating sensation will fill your senses. Once this happens, you are connected with your astral body. You can sit up using your astral body to get out of the physical body, roll over on your side to get out, or you can see yourself floating upwards to leave your body.


Astral projection is an excellent tool for your spiritual development. You can check your status on your path. You can speak with angelic guides or ascended masters. You can also use it for adventure and travel to distant galaxies.


2. Wake Up in a Dream


This one may be an easier path to take for some. One drawback is that you will have a difficult time remembering your projection once you wake up. A good technique to help you remember is to use a dream journal and get in the habit of waking up and writing down what happened.


Once you realize that you are dreaming and gain control of the dream, that is when you can begin to astral project. To achieve this, stop whatever you are doing in the dream and jump with the intention of flying. When you begin to fly, ask to be taken to meet a spiritual guide of yours, or whatever you intend to do during an astral projection.  


Here are some techniques to make it easier to wake up in a dream:


- Constantly ask yourself: Where am I? Am I Dreaming? 

- Flick a light on and off right before and right after sleeping. If you flick a light in a dream nothing will happen.

- Make it a habit to look at your hands and the clock. In a dream, your hands will melt or look different and a clock will look like really weird, like a code from the matrix.

- Pull your finger throughout the day. If it stretches, your in a dream.



When you have a near death experience, you may connect with a higher source than yourself. You may feel limitless, or as if you are everything and everything is you. You may become one with a light, which is the creator’s light. You may even find yourself traveling to meet angles, guides or other higher intelligent beings.  


When you do find yourself flying or traveling to meet with other beings, that is you astral projecting out of your body. 


What happens in an NDE is your physical body literally thinks it has died and so your spirit detaches from it. When your ego and physical body realize that it’s still alive, you will begin to come back to your body.


I would suggest NOT putting yourself in a position of having a near death experiencing for the sake of astral traveling.  



When you die, your spiritual body/ astral body will leave your physical body which has a broken circuit and will no longer work. You will not be going back to that same physical body again. Your spirit may choose to reincarnate on Earth again for some higher purpose, or you may travel around in the fourth and fifth dimensions, or you may be traveling to even higher dimensional planes.


Again, I would NOT suggest you use this method, as you are here on Earth for a specific reason/ mission and death will come naturally.


I hope this has helped you to gain a bit more understanding of astral projection.

It's an intense experience that deserves a look into.

If it doesn't seem like it's for you, great.

Now you know.

If it does seem like something you want to try,

I suggest trying out my Astral Projection Meditation
and checking out my other references on on YouTube.