Body Positivity and Self-Care for a Sizzling Summer

Article by Edrian Blasquino

The summer season is a time for body positivity, a chance to get in touch with the best version of you. And yet some still worry about what self-care techniques can help them achieve their desired summer physique. But remember—body positivity means accepting and loving your body for what it is, not what others think it should be. This makes it crucial to challenge the unrealistic beauty standards often pushed by the media and society.

However, loving your body as it is doesn’t mean settling for an unhealthy lifestyle. It’s all about finding the best balance between health and a body you feel confident in. In this article, we share practical tips to help you celebrate your body, embrace wellness, and feel empowered throughout the season.

Embracing Your Body

Body positivity isn’t something you can achieve overnight. Acceptance of who you are can be a long process, but it's always worth pursuing. Before you make any drastic changes to your diet or lifestyle, think about what you want to accomplish. Ask yourself if you’re changing your body to feel better about yourself or so other people feel better about seeing you. 

Ask yourself if people saying you’re too “skinny” or too “curvy” did so out of concern or to hurt your feelings. Afterward, go to a reputable dietician and obtain a professional take on your plans. If you determine that change is truly needed,  it’s time to start setting the foundation for a body-positivity mindset.

Practice Self-Compassion

Treat yourself with kindness and understanding. Acknowledge your body's strengths and what it does for you instead of focusing on perceived flaws. If there are any parts of yourself you don’t feel comfortable about, then opt for the healthiest way to manage it. You have every right to change your body how you want to in a healthy way.

Challenge Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts are unavoidable,  but that doesn’t mean you can’t handle them.  Rewiring your mind for success is key to self-confidence. Ask yourself where your negative thoughts come from and if they’re based on truth. In addition,  curate your social media feed to include influencers and creators who celebrate diverse body types. Seeing different body types represented can help you appreciate beauty in all forms.

Practicing Self-Care for Self-Confidence 

Now that you’re more informed about how to feel better about your body, it’s time to start accentuating all those positives. Here are some tips to practice proper self-care this summer:

Eat Healthier

Body positivity means treating yourself better. That doesn’t mean giving up on treats in totality. One of the hardest things about diets is people go too hard from the beginning.  As a result, the transition becomes painful and frustrating, which often leads to people giving up and associating diets with bad vibes. Try to reduce unhealthy foods as treats for occasions and weekends, but stick to tasty and healthy meals on the weekdays. 

Get Moving

Exercise can boost your mood and confidence, but it shouldn’t feel like a chore. Find activities you enjoy, whether swimming, biking, or yoga, and do them when you feel like it. Listen to your body and increase your intensity when you feel comfortable. It’s always the first step that’s the hardest, but it’s ultimately worth the effort. 

If you're going on a relaxing seaside escape this summer, look for opportunities to stay active in ways that fit your trip. For example, you could consider joining a game of beach volleyball, jogging along the shore, or enjoying water sports like kayaking. 

Wear What Makes You Feel Good

Opt for comfortable clothing that projects your confidence. Whether it’s a bikini, a one-piece, or a flowy sundress, the best outfit is the one you feel great in. 

Never let what other people think dictate your style. Even if style guides suggest certain silhouettes are “don’ts” for your shape, know that you can wear whatever you want. Although input from family and friends may be helpful, remember that the decision is ultimately yours. 

Stay Hydrated

Always ensure you stay hydrated when facing the summer heat. Drinking water is just one way of hydration. Use moisturizers to keep the surface of your skin glistening and bright. Staying hydrated keeps your skin healthy, maintains energy levels, and makes you look dazzling.  

Use Sun Protection

Protect your skin from harmful UV rays with sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses. Choose sunscreen with a solid SPF score and reapply the lotion every two hours. In addition, use fashion statements like sun hats and umbrellas to add to your summer look. 

Final Thoughts

Summer is always a time when people think about their dream beach body, and it’s totally valid to have those goals. However, it’s good to expand your horizons and consider honing in on the strengths you do have.  With a good understanding of self-care, any healthy body type can turn heads for the summer season.