Posts in Movie Reviews
Oscar-Nominated Historical Drama "I'm Still Here"
Revealing Film Biography "Lee"
Insightful New Documentary "Will & Harper"
‘Golden Years’ shows how to put the luster in retirement

Retirement is supposed to be one of those times of life that we eagerly look forward to. Having the free time to do what we want, when we want, is thought to be liberating and thoroughly enjoyable. But, for some, the transition from full-time working life to full-time leisurely living can be challenging, especially in the relationships of long-partnered couples. Find out more by reading "'Golden Years' shows how to put the luster in retirement."

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'Mountains' copes with the nature of change

Change often carries a cost. At the same time, though, it’s also frequently accompanied by unexpected rewards. In either case, however, we may not recognize what’s coming, what it might entail and how it could affect us. What’s more, a lack of awareness of what’s unfolding can place us in a seriously compromised position. Find out more by reading "'Mountains' copes with the nature of change."

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'Green Border' makes a desperate plea for humanity

There are so many things that can go wrong in life that it hardly seems wise, practical or prudent to go looking for ways to make our existence any more needlessly grueling. Yet, if we’re truly honest with ourselves, there are plenty of situations that can all too easily yield undue stress, pain and difficulty – and all as a result of our own making, too. But why would we do that?

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'Robot Dreams' follows the quest for relationship fulfillment

In an age where the lines of what makes for a successful relationship have become increasingly blurred (and simultaneously more liberating), we’re seeing all manner of partnership combinations emerge that are just as valid as conventional models, no matter how different they may appear. And thank goodness for that. However, despite this newfound freedom, these relationships can experience challenges just like any other pairings. Find out more by reading "'Robot Dreams' follows the quest for relationship fulfillment."

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'Your Fat Friend' seeks to rectify an unfair oversight

Imagine being systematically discriminated against and unduly ridiculed without those inflicting such hurtful and unfair acts suffering any consequences. Those in various minority communities can no doubt relate to such treatment, having been subjected to it for long periods before legal protections were put into place (and, in some cases, even after those safeguards were implemented). However, there’s one constituency that’s effectively gone without protection – and, in many respects, still continues to do so.

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