Compliments - Journal Topics - Write It Down Wednesday

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Today's #WriteItDownWednesday topic is to take a moment to write down how it feels to get a compliment.


Maybe someone did give you a compliment that changed your whole day.


Or think back to a time you felt the love of some kind words.


Dive into your journals and write it out. Why did it make you feel this way?


Was it empowering? Was it just nice to hear someone cared or noticed? 

I personally melt when someone gives me a good compliment. I can't hide the blushing, or the feels.... Okay, I'm sure sometimes I respond with a awkward or silly face but kind words always stick to my heart. 

Anytime someone's negative words get me down I like to look back at moments people saw the best of me and cared to share. Or maybe they just liked my hair that day, and that makes me smile too. You know, the little things. :P


We would love to hear about your experiences also in the @Bring Me 2 Life Challenge Facebook group. -->