Create A Sacred Space

To get started you need to 

1. Decide where you would like it to be.

2. Will this be a permanent space or temporary?
* This is important because you’ll arrange it based on your answer.

3. Clean up and arrange it.

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So number 1: Where will this meditation space be? It could be a spot out in nature that you can return to consistently. An extra room in your house or apartment. You just need to have enough room for a chair or cushion or space for you to sit down for at least 10 minutes.


Things to think about when deciding:

  • Pick a spot that is quiet.

  • Somewhere you can get away from the daily grind.

  • What times will you be going to this place and how will the lighting affects your experience?


Number 2: If you pick a spot out in nature that you have to leave, you may consider creating a to-go kit of stuff like a tapestry, sage, crystals, etc. If it’s a permanent place than you can add bigger things that aren’t as easy to carry around. What’s important is that you can return to this place you create consistently.

The more consistent, the more energy you build up in that space and the easier it is for you to get into your zone.

Number 3: Cleaning and Arranging. Cleaning is really important because it helps to clear out any stagnant, negative energy within yourself as well as in the space itself. Whether you have a temporary space or a permanent one, you can create an altar if that’s something you’re comfortable with.


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This should be placed in front of you so that you are facing it when meditating, or praying. If you’re inside, you can use a small, low table. If you’re outside, try and find a nice ledge or flat rock that you can use. Cover the table or whatever you are using with a nice piece of fabric. Table clothes, tapestries, shawls all work great. Add any crystals or objects that help you to connect with the divine and the sacred.


If you have any sage or incense you can light it, just be careful and mindful. Add any other offerings like water, flowers, or fruit. If you have a little saying that inspires you, you can put that on the table as well.


So there you go. Three steps that will help you to create the perfect sacred space. Remember that these are all very personal to each individual. It may evolve with your practice. Just continue to keep the energy fresh by sweeping and cleaning it up when it needs.


Thanks for watching. Let me know what you think of the video. Check back next week for a brand new meditation.