Lightcode Discussions with Sifu Boggie and Denise Chadwick

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Light Code Discussions with Denise Chadwick and Sifu Boggie… 

A Monthly Show Exploring Light Language and beyond... 

Denise’ bio:

Denise is a wayshower; code keeper; key holder; earth grid activator; crystalline grid connector; voice alchemist; light language speaker and writer; energy healer; Reiki Master-Teacher, crystal and sound healer who works with the Golden Ray. She transmits Diamond light, Whale, Galactic, Magdalene, Albion, Grail and Crystal-light and Source code frequencies of energy and is aligned to the Sisterhood of the Rose. 

Denise has strong Galactic connections whilst still maintaining her strong connection to Gaia and Gaia’s creature, nature and elemental beings. She is a strongly aligned to the Dragon realm and has worked with the Angelic, Ascended Master and Elemental realms since learning reiki in 2001. She became a reiki master in 2003 and has been on her path of service since then. She is a reiki master in traditional Usui, Tibetan, Angel, Karuna, Anubis and Crystal-Light frequencies. The Crystal-light frequency energies that she works with activate our crystalline light body with crystal light and Source codes, connecting also with the Earth Crystalline grid.

She creates light encoded artwork in her #symmetrycreations and light language graphics.

In group work, Denise specializes in guided visualization meditations with initiations, light language activations, attunements, light language and energy transmissions with sound and crystals and is available for these also in one to one private and online sessions.

Denise's Frequency of Love page 

YouTube – Inner Peace with Denise

Consisting of Daoist and Buddhist Philosophy, Qigong, Spirituality and Science, Meditational, Martial and Medical wisdom, Ancient knowledge, Psychics, Psychology and Psychic Abilities, Martial Arts, Tai Chi Chuan, Death, Ghosts, Extra Dimensional beings, 5 Element Food and Philosophy, Ice skating Stars and the Dao, the cloud Whispers, DragonDog Shaman, Barefoot Doctors and so much more...

For almost 40 years Sifu Boggie has been studying the Ancient Eastern understandings of your personal Way /Path /Balance /Dao/Tao...

Finding Ways to reduce pain, stress and Anxiety and help others find their personal path to Mind, Body and Spirit to Ascension and Beyond…

Each week Questions will be asked by a Special Guest or a Question sent in… 

The purpose is to delve deep into the Mind of Sifu to help capture more nuggets of his personal Daoist Wisdom…

Love Qi and Shen

Sifu Boggie

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