Full Moon in Cancer

Article by: Shannon Shine - @ShantasticShine

Just a reminder that today is the Full Moon in Cancer! Put your crystals somewhere to charge. Either in moonlight, near a candle, or other preferred methods. Some questions you may want to ask yourself during this moon time are:

Have you been insecure, clingy and or had a hard time having fun on your own during this last moon cycle?

Have you been focusing on your bigger goals or coming at things half assed lately?

Have you been sulky, moody, or manipulative?

Have you been dealing with paranoia?

Have you been avoiding your friends and family?

If yes to any of the above, you may be feeling the effects of the cancer full moon. However, its best to not play the victim and take action in moving towards your dreams and finding ways to be more sure of yourself and your decisions.

During this time, it is important to find balance in your life and finding time to both achieve your dreams and spend time with those you love.

Ritual: This full moon is good for forgiveness ceremonies. Write a letter to yourself or a loved one with your intentions and requests for forgiveness for anything you may be holding onto. Then safely burn it to release this into the universe.