Full Moon Sound Ceremony May 2021

This event will feature an online ceremony with some gentle guidance through voice and music. Our music includes a Rav Vast drum, singing bowls, rainstick, and more that will help you call in that full moon energy!

Full Moon Sound Ceremony.png

We will begin with a little meditation to help set your intention for the evening and this cycle and flow into Sound Experiences by Shine Resonance that is led by Selomon and Shannon Shine this dynamic sound healing experience will introduce a series of evolutionary sounds for balancing and harmonizing the subtle energy fields while also refining and energizing the physical body.

Tune in by coming back to this article after 8p ET. Once we have started and gone live, we will post the video here. So keep refreshing and check our stories on Instagram for real time updates.

Sound healing works on a physical, mental, and energetic level. Each experience is done in a safe space to help participants relax and enjoy the benefits of sound designed for healing mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Sign up for more workshops, ceremonies, and other cool stuff on Patreon!


Until we update the video, check out this interview with folk musician Fia!