Intention Setting: Mind Into Matter

You light a candle and go about your business. Two days later you’re fuming at the Universe for not sending that twenty dollars you needed for a new phone case your way. You lit the candle, you spoke some words, you let it burn. So why didn’t it work? Intention. Intention extends far beyond simple (and complex) manifesting. Intention is and can be used from morning coffee rituals to energetic protection and manifestation. If there is anything I have learned along my journey thus far it has been that intention is key. You could have the fanciest tools in the world and it could amount to nothing if you do not put intention and your personal energy/desire into the practice.

So let’s talk about why intention setting works, how you can put your intention into something, and a few practices to help strengthen your intention setting!

Why does intention work?

More powerful than the phrase “mind over matter,” intention takes it one step further. Try “mind into matter.” Not only thinking that you can, but also feeling what it is (“not would be” as you are manifesting that it will happen!) like to succeed, manifest, etc. will hone in your desires, focus, and drive. 

So how do you put your intention into something?

To put your intention into any practice or object (such as a crystal), don’t just think it, but feel it. Visualize what it is you desire, visualize yourself feeling the emotion that this intention is to bring along with it and call those emotions to you in that moment. When you can see it, say it, and sense it, send that energy to the object, the practice, and Universe. Sometimes I like to show that sending of energy in the physical with an outward breath either by sighing into the atmosphere or gently blowing into the object between my palms. (You can add affirmations to speak silently or aloud if this is helpful for you. Affirmations are a great way to reprogram the mind!)

Morning Routines

Every morning I try to wake up at least thirty minutes to an hour and a half earlier than what I need to get ready for the day. I take that time not as a preparation for the day, but as a time out, as a space to just be. For me, this usually consists of yoga and then a variation of meditation, listening to music, doing a reading, playing with my crystals, journaling, organizing my altar, reading, etc. Sometimes I have to remind myself that this time is for me to do what feels good, what feeds my soul in that moment. To know that it might be different one morning than the next, or it could be exactly the same. By listening to my body, my mind, my heart, my soul, I am able to infuse and set an intention for myself and for the day ahead of me. I can much more easily release the energy of the days prior and set my heart towards positivity. Small ways that I flow through intentions in the morning are:

  1. Yoga 

    1. Be mindful and move with the intention in mind, breathe into it)

  2. Meditation and Mantra 

    1. Visualize yourself in a positive state, maybe create affirmations and repeat them quietly or aloud)

  3. Journaling

  4. Caring for other life 

    1. I like to talk to my plants and feel the love and life that I am cultivating along with them as I water them. This can be done as you care for animals and children as well!)

  5. A drink! 

    1. This will usually be water or hot tea for me. I visualize white light and healing energy surrounding and filling my cup. I may say a small affirmation such as “may this drink be filled with love so that I may give and receive unconditionally,” and stir my drink around a few times to get that energy flowing).

*Also note that all of these activities can be done anytime throughout the day that best serves you, they simply work for me in the mornings!


As I am still human, sometimes when going about my day I experience negative situations and in turn thoughts, emotions, and/or behaviors. When this happens it is much easier for me to recenter myself and come back to the intention I set in the morning by closing my eyes, taking a deep breath, and repeating an affirmation or phrase that reminds me of how I want to show up. I always carry crystals with me so sometimes holding/rubbing one allows me to feel physically grounded along with my mental reminder. Physical, sensory talismans can also include accessories, keychains, coins, etc. Sometimes I even use the popsocket on the back of my phone!

As you move throughout your day, see where you can reflect on your intention throughout different activities!

*Don’t forget to take a few seconds out of your day when needed to close your eyes and breathe. It’s amazing how much clarity it can bring!

Evening Routines

As I mentioned above, this could be similar to the morning routine, or even switched with it. Whatever you do, know that there is no wrong way of doing anything! This is about what resonates with you!

I like to use my evenings to reflect. I sometimes neglect my evening routines (something that I am personally working towards implementing into my day). However, when I do allow myself the space I often repeat what I did in the morning, but in a different fashion. Instead of setting an intention, I reflect on how that intention revealed itself to me throughout the day, how did I respond when using it, was my day how I envisioned, was I kind to myself and others, etc. Another great thing to do in the evenings to wind down is release and have a little fun (something that can look different for everyone, again, it’s about finding what works for you!)

To wrap-up…

Remember that there is no “wrong way,” it is about your way! Know your personal power: you can do so much more than mind over matter, turn mind into matter. 

And as always, I am sending my love out to you and many blessings for positive and powerful intentions!