Meeting Angels in Hawaii

Article by: Selomon

The only time I have ever been in Hawaii, I was visited by an angel.

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Before this visit, I had been communicating constantly with Arch Angel Michael. Through thought, feeling, and actual sound at one point. But when I was in Hawaii, it was actually Arch Angel Raphael that came to me.

I knew that's who it was, because I felt God/ Source telling me that's who was being sent to guide me. When this angel came to me, I was in a really rough place. Funny to think of that in Hawaii, but let me fill you in on where I was at.

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I was there by myself. Hoping to WOLF on some farms, which they were all full. So instead I got cozy on the beach and one night most of my stuff got stolen while I was sleeping. My wallet, money, phone. Only had my clothes bag because I was wrapped around it while I slept.

Luckily I did have a few pbj's and a litter of water. So I walked around looking for something to help make me feel better since I was so down. I walked for a long time eventually coming upon a farm with horses running around. Horses usually make me feel better.

I climbed on a tree to get a better look. That's when I started feeling little bites on my body. There were little red ants crawling all over me and the tree. Jumping down, I cursed and flung all around. I cried. I literally burst into tears because it was all so much. Why are you doing this to me god?! I yelled.

"Because I know you'll get through it," I got a reply.

"I am sending an angel to help you and be with you so you can heal. Trust and have faith."

Immediately I felt the angels presence and was led to a bridge. Underneath the bridge was a nice sandy spot with a beautiful view of the ocean. I spent three whole days there without leaving.

I was channeled messages through writing on a notebook I still had. The angel literally came to me in multiple dreams that were the most lucid I have ever had. Showing me empty lava tunnels and a map of earth with red dots in specific areas.

But the biggest lesson that came to me and I still think back on is about faith. Even when you're down on your luck and hit the bottom, have faith and know that we are resilient enough to make it through whatever challenges.

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It did get better after those 3 days. I saw the biggest rainbow of my entire life, I saw humpback whales migrating and blowing water as they reach the surface, there was even a SCOTTISH festival in Hawaii! Once I let go of what I perceived as suffering, I was able to open up to all of the blessings around me. Food came to me magically when I needed it the most. Eventually I was able to get a ride home with one of the wildest experiences of my life.

In the end, I know I am stronger for it and realized how truly strong and capable I can be in moments of difficulty.