NOVEMBER 2019 FULL MOON REPORT : Beaver/Frost Moon
Article By: Brianna “Breezy” Scott
NOVEMBER: Beaver/Frost Full Moon
Energy: Completion of long term goals
Imagery: *Think of a Beaver preparing for winter.
Under the moonlight the beavers are busy building up their damns for winter. The beaver prepares its home and works through the night to increase their stockpile. It’s tail swells in size as it eats fats to last it through the cold months. This animal is a great example of how we can utilize this full moon energy.
This is a time where we will have the energy, initiative and good fortune to ensure success in the tasks we put our minds too. This moon brings the aspects of home, family, and intimate relationships into sharper focus. We take stock of what’s most important as the chilly weather sets in. Just as the Beaver takes stock of it’s resources, we too are reminded to prepare ourselves for winter. Winter brings our survival needs into focus.
The shift from mild fall to intensifying winter weather can cause conflict within us, highlighting opposing energies. This ripples into our daily lives, highlighting the opposing forces that demand out attention, such as Work vs. Home, what we need versus what we want, and our feelings of love and hate. Be mindful of duality during this time, and try not to think too rigidly, as this can lead to conflict & crisis that will drain your energy. Black & white thinking is dangerous at this time. Try to balance the mind by using the meditation provided below.
The purpose of this meditation is to hold space for patience & emotional strength during the winter months. We begin this meditation by using the breath to feel the body and understand that we are ALL connected.
Instead of numbing ourselves to our own energy, we begin to feel it eb & flow with the breath. As you inhale feel the lungs expand as the body works in tandem to make room for new fresh air. Expanding the chest and lower back, and pushing out the belly. As you exhale, notice how the body works together to push out the air, relaxing the shoulders, belly, and lower back. Please Repeat this inhale/exhale 3 times before returning to normal breathing.
Article By: Brianna “Breezy” Scott
With the breath we tap into our greater sensitivity, we realize this connection for personal and planetary healing. Please breath into the experience of being patient. What does it feel like to hold patience in your heart? Breath and imagine your body filling with the feeling of patience, like a soft glowing light (whatever color patience is in your mind). Let this light expand, allow it to slowly flood all the crevices of the body. Sit in this soft patient light, allow it to become apart of you.
The healing process is a process of finding your body’s equilibrium, and your minds center. Use the breath to Find it. Because the more skillful we become at knowing our own inner world, navigating it, learning its wounds and challenges, what gives it life, and how it fits into the whole, the better we are able to show up on life. When we focus of our healing we open up space for the ALL to heal.
Imagine a healing light.
Breath and imagine your body filling with this light of healing, whatever color healing is in your mind.
Let this light expand, allowing it to slowly flood all the crevices of the body.
The more we have explored the terrain in our own world, the more skilled we are at sharing it, and the more interested and curious we become at receiving the world of another.
Know that by healing your inner world, you open up the possibility that someone else can heal by meeting you.
Breath, inhale, exhale, repeat.
Breath deeper, use the breath to find your center. Feel the energy of patience, and healing within you. Go forth into the world, and take this feeling where ever you go.