Protecting Your Vibe- Bring Me 2 Life Episode 172

Learn how to distinguish energy from people, places, or things that are not in harmony with your own. Shannon and Selomon share personal experiences that they've learned from as well as share some tips on how to protect yourself and heal those uncomfortable experiences.

Some of our listeners favorite quotes from this episode were:

“It’s okay to give space”

“You can protect your vibe by not trying to force any expectation”

“Our minds get trained into anticipating how things are gonna feel, how it's gonna go, whether we’re gonna be happy or not… I believe that we create more suffering through what we think is going to happen or what has already happened than just experiencing that in the moment.”

“Energy can linger”

“Allow spirit to show you who needs to be in your life… I release what no longer serves me and I call in relationships that will help me be the best version of me.” 

“Know that you deserve somebody that makes you feel like you’re shining”

“Be curious about who you really are on the inside… it’s never too late to start doing the things you want to do, to do the things you love.”

“I release what no longer serves me, I call in what can help me be the best version of me”

“God gives us this time alone because it needs us to take in something… To experience something that is meant for you to do alone.”