Reflections on the Power of Art and Podcasting at the Artists Thrive Summit

Selomon and Shannon Shine recently traveled back to Cumberland, MD, a place that holds many memories for them. As they journeyed home, they were accompanied by the natural sounds around them, creating a calm atmosphere for reflection.

During this time, they discussed their experience at the Artist Thrive Summit. The summit provided a space for artists and creatives to come together, share ideas, and learn from one another. Selomon and Shannon found it to be an inspiring event that highlighted the importance of community and collaboration in the art world.

One of the key moments for them was their ThriveCast presentation on podcasting. They shared their insights on how podcasting can be a powerful tool for artists to connect with their audience, share their stories, and grow their creative careers. The presentation was well-received, and they were glad to have the opportunity to contribute to the summit in this way.

As they continued their journey back to Cumberland, Selomon and Shannon reflected on the impact of the summit. They felt energized by the connections they made and the ideas they encountered. The experience reinforced their belief in the power of art to bring people together and create positive change.

Their journey back to Cumberland was not just a physical return home, but also a time to process and appreciate the experiences they had at the Artist Thrive Summit. They look forward to continuing their work and sharing more through their podcast and other creative projects.