Seeing the Shifts in Consciousness

Article by Selomon


When I began roaming around spouting off conspiracy theories and ideas about aliens, not many people wanted to listen to me. Most people looked at me funny. Including my mom.

She tuned to me one day and said, “I remember you telling me that Monsanto was evil and GMOs were bad. I thought you were kind of coocoo then.”

“But now you seek out non-GMO food, huh?” I ask.

She giggles and says, “Yes.”

I’ve noticed shifts in consciousness like that all over. Multiple family members have reached out to me specifically about things I never would have expected. It has reinforced a lot of what I have been communicating since 2011.

The world really has been waking up. Everyday more and more people are beginning to question reality and start to look for that deep personal connection to life. And it’s just beginning.

Recently I posted a question about Aliens and UFOs to see what the general perception was. The responses were very surprising. I don’t believe I got a single, “We’re the only ones in this Universe.”

Most people believe that there must be life elsewhere. I did have someone say the most likely scenario is that civilizations won’t survive long enough to travel and live out in space. That was something I hadn’t thought of before, so it is possible, even likely that some never make it long enough to hitchhike the galaxy.

But when you consider how big the Universe really is, our scientists believe it’s around 200 trillion at the time of writing this, before the new satellite goes up, I believe there are some beings, living souls, self aware and conscious life, has developed a way to travel to different solar systems and probably galaxies.

Even an Uncle said he believes in UFOs and aliens. It still blows my mind to think about family members, uncles and aunts, that have really opened their hearts and minds to this kind of stuff. And it’s not necessarily that it’s about aliens and them existing, I still hold space for those with differing opinions. But it is about seeing the shifts in consciousness.

You may see it around you. In a stranger talking about the energy of the moon, or a squirrel stopping to look you in the eyes. Remember we help to co-create the world around us. These kinds of shifts can be seen and felt everywhere, you just need to open up to them.