Struggling with Self Worth

Article by Selomon

The struggle with Self Worth can be real sometimes…

I’m sure I am not the only one. Perhaps it’s part of the experience of being human and most of us, if not all of us, will work with these feelings. I believe it presents an opportunity to learn and grow.

Some days I have a very strong sense of worth and feel incredible. Other days I wonder how much I mean to this world. What helps the most is being able to love myself through it all.

The deepest sense of worth will come from within. By showing ourselves love, doing self care and self love practices, that feeling of belonging, or of being worthy to exist, or whatever it may be, we’re able to move through all of those ups and downs.

This is the most sustainable way of cultivating that Self Worth I believe.

Find ways to love yourself and care for yourself. Through meditation, movement, working on establishing healthy habits, etc. I’m here if you need a friend to cheer you on.

Selomon, born Christopher Closson, has been consciously working with meditation and sound since 2011. His meditation videos on YouTube have reached hundreds of thousands of people. He enjoys traveling the country hosting classes and workshops on topics like sound medicine and astral projection.