The Hidden Gem Tanzanite

Article by: Allan Ward - @Wander_AW

Africa holds claim to a lot of hidden wonders in the world. The Egyptians, pyramids, golden tektite, lions, elephants, gorillas, deserts, rain forests. But I want to talk about one of the rarest gems known to man. More specifically a deep blue Zoisite made from heat and deposits of vanadium called Tanzanite.

This beautiful rare gem graced us in the world in 1967. Tanzania eventually lead a path to mining this rare stone in the later years after it was correctly classified. If you are looking for tanzanite it is said to be just at the foothills of Kilimanjaro about 8 miles deep is where this stone lies. With only around 10 square miles of this gem hidden under the surface and only around a few 100,000-1 million tons lis eft as most estimates just don’t know.

The stone has not met much main stream publicity, hence why as of right now it’s still a steal to get ahold of it.

I ( Wander_AW ) have some nice blue pieces that catch eyes after hearing about how and where it came from I bought a lot while in Maine. That being said this could be and inheritance stone as the rarity will only increase in price like another rare stone we know moldevite.

So besides monetary value this stone is very powerful. Its formation was of special circumstances and required intense heat and specific materials in its presence to form what we see today. So based off this like any stone it’s known to assist with transformation. Helping with the third eye and crown chakras, it can open up messages you would normally miss.

Its gentle and wearing it is easy although it may make you a tad dizzy from the crown chakra opening up. All in all if you want a higher vibrational stone this is the one to get. Tanzanite pushes you to the best version of yourself, but in a more gentle way. Fair warning this may initiate an intense look deeper into those near you. Call this the investigation stone if you are looking for more clarity or calling upon spirit to help guide you to whom to allow in your inner circle. Most people will be made fully exposed by this stone. As such be careful as unlike black tourmaline it wont repel them but insteadmake their actions undeniable as you transform and open yourself up to a deeper connection to the world around you.

Not to scare you off this stone is meant to help you power up and activate your most divine self and to top it off once it shakes things up it does often bring a calming and tranquil energy to those that properly attune with it. However, For good measure I would wear something that grounds you along with this stone.

As always be aware be safe, most of all tally hoe!!!!

-Wander AW - Host of Wander XP Podcast