Article by Allan Ward


Coming into the fray in 1786, this mysterious foreign green stone, most wildly known as Moldavite, would go on to jolt the world with its mysticism. Occasionally people will call this the holy grail stone and if we look deeper into the origins we can see why. If kryptonite was here on earth, I bet this is what it would like. 

The crystal composition is SiO2 (+ Al2O3). The green comes from the intense heat created from the crater in the Nördlinger Ries Czech Republic. The impact is dated around 15.6 million years ago. It has a mohs hardness of about 6.5. The green phenomenon garnered its name from either the river moldau or the town.  

This stone is imbued with great purpose but…one of the main downfalls or maybe draws with this particular crystal is that it's extremely rare. 

Now you're all probably like Allan, how rare? Like diamonds or?

First, diamonds aren't actually all that rare. Moldavite on the other hand, let’s take a look at the picture below for a second.

Say hello to the Caterpillar 797F the second largest dump truck in  the world. It has a capacity of 440 tons.  

Cut that number in half and that's the  estimated world's supply of Moldevite.  When you think of it this way it really puts it in perspective.  That's right this truck would only be hauling 275 tons worth of moldavite.  Not even a full bucket of material but that’s all their is.

 You can see why it's so sought after. With the recent crackdown in the Czech Republic Government making it a heavy crime to mine without approval. It seems destined to be even more restricted to humanity. Honestly though it's a good thing because not everyone needs a piece. More so some should never seek one. 

 Listen, I know you're absolutely offended and you're thinking, ‘the audacity of this man to say what I should and shouldn’t seek,’ but there's a very good reason I am blatant here. The first reason is they are perhaps the most commonly lost stone in all of the crystal kingdom. Imagine losing $25-600 via a crystal jumping ship. I would know, I’ve lost more than one. We all know how much it hurts when one of our favorite crystals up and disappears.

 Also, Moldavite is not a crystal you can necessarily bend to your will. This stone often has a mind of its own. Some will say you can program Moldavite with intentions but, I find that highly unlikely after wearing large neck pieces for 5 years. I will tell you this particular stone is its own frequency that pulses and operates on such a high vibration. Unlike other crystals, it has no true owner, just a companion or sidekick or caretaker shall we say. I will say even if you're a Sith Lord knowing the force, it is still likely that you will fall flat on your face trying to bend Moldavite to your will. It has such a powerful force all on its own, it will take you, or whomever it is working with, on a ride for divine destiny.


But here's the biggest kicker. More often you aren't ready for the kind of madness or peace that it can bring. Think of a crazy ex that shifts you into a change only they could force you into. Think about loosing the job you’ve wanted to transition from for years in almost an instant after taking the honor of caring for a new piece of Moldavite. Or maybe your crown chakra cracking wide open like a Ferrari on turbo hitting the raceway. Get the picture?  This stone is known for jolting people in directions often without control but for the better good of all. It may not always seem like that at first but if you are looking for an awakening and want to take a spiritual ride. Then maybe I’m wrong and you do want to grab yourself a piece.

I don’t mean to sound so daunting but with all of its lore in the spiritual community, one should just be warned that this stone is not for the faint of heart. This particular crystal is demanding when worn. I suggest you heavily reconsider this crystal if you haven't taken the steps to be in your best alignment. I tell you this only because this stone is not really gentle. Moldavite is a transition stone, the highest of these in its category.  Look I guarantee even your friend touching one of these will get a fever rush. I have seen it first hand to the uninitiated and those not even attuned to crystal energy. It has that effect.

It literally gives no Fu#$ about where you are in life, as such it will with reckless abandon send a person full force into your HIGHEST SELF!!!! If that takes the form of taking rapid transitions in both good and bad it will happen. That could mean but not limited to constant turmoil, fits of anger, crying spells, moments of synchronicity, unparalleled abrupt new beginnings, loss of friends, or even jobs, breakups, the drastic self reflection and moments of peace ect. It will swiftly kick you right in the ass. You may be like why the hell would I want it. 

    Simply put, you do only if you are ready to be someone that isn't afraid of their skeletons in the closet. I see a lot of articles proclaiming how powerful Moldavite is. There's no denying that, however it should be said that you have been warned. It also amplifies, not just you but other crystals as well. So take that into account as well.

    My biggest suggestion as I alluded to above is DO NOT TRY TO TAME THE ASTRAL DRAGON. Let the stone do what the stone is going to do. Just know that this stone is in itself a test…..

Should you pass said test well, a person will come out the other side renewed, awakened, and refreshed.

Also to be noted learn from my own mistakes and maybe not wear a Moldavite, a Tibetan tektite, and a Meteorite all at once. Wearing all the space stones and crystals is well … rather jolting to say the least, I should say though I didn't really face any dark times with those crystals. Maybe I'm just built differently.

   Let's talk about its main attributes:

  • This is the stone of self awareness, if you need to know what that means. Think of a therapist mixed with a historian and your mom showing your crush every embarrassing thing you ever have done. Then you get to reflect on it. Boom you got moldavite. 

  • It also resonates in the Heart, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras. If you want to dive into those, buy one of Mrs Shines books.

  •  I can tell you once you become attuned it will put up a very heavy protective barrier. I have had several people that wish ill upon me to turn the other way.

  • While it may take awhile you can dream work though I will warn the dreams you can have with this stone are intense.

  • It can amplify your other stones

  • The stone works fast at both clearing negativity in the form of bringing it to light as well as taking away what does not align with you.

  • It guides you to what you should do

In short I really highly recommend this stone, just be ready for what it brings.

From names like the Holy Grail stone, the Crystal from the heavens, to even the enlightenment stone Moldavite is a magical stone of transformation.

If you want to learn even more about Moldavite and my personal experiences tune into Episode 10 of Wander XP where I dive into the depths of moldavite with my co-host Shannon Shine.

GodSpeed space cadets, Blast off and Be One with yourself.
- Allan Ward aka @Wander_AW of Wander XP Podcast