Wild Fox Symbolism

Wild Fox Symbolism



The other day I was in the middle of an activation of sorts. I was running around between photoshoots for various projects, prepping for some events and yet I felt the call to go outside and play my drum.

I went to a special place in the woods and sat to play. Then I felt a presence was watching me. I heard something sort of prancing through the leaves.

I figured it may be a deer. But no.

About 12 feet in front of me prances up a big long fox. A rather large one with some sort of um "lunch" in its mouth at that.

They stop and drop their food and cock their head at me as I continued to play and locked eyes with the creature.

I can't say I've honestly ever really been so close to a wild fox. I've seen them run around but always at a distance.

This creature was my now intimate audience. As it leaned down eyes still locked with me...not to pick up its food but as if it were bowing to me. It acknowledged I was there meaning no harm & it wanted to acknowledge that it witnessed me in my pure vulnerable state just playing them a song.

It stood back up kinda tipped its head to the sky like a nod & then did lean back down to pick up its food & prance off into the woods.

I sat there in shock wondering if I should grab for my phone and try to snap its photo or not. Though I knew I wouldn't capture it in time.


My heart skipped a beat and I just felt a deep sense of gratitude and excitement for taking that moment out of my busy day to go play my drum for what I thought would be by myself in the woods, but instead I serenaded my new foxy friend.

Fun fact I saw 2 foxes chasing each other a few weeks ago on a walk at a distance and I started this fox painting...and now it has even more meaning. Must be my summer of Fox Magic.

~☆"The red fox symbolism, on the other hand, is all about fox energy and radiance. The passion of this beautiful and fiery creature associates with the chakra system.

You are aware of the root color of the chakra system being red. So in dealing with the red fox symbolism, we focus more on raw motivation and primal instincts to guide us."☆~

#ravdrum #fox #artist #spirtualjourney