Winter Solstice 2021

sarah hall winter solstice

Happy Solstice, light workers! Today is a magical day. Can you feel a shift in the atmosphere?

Today is the day of the Great Conjunction, a once-in-a-lifetime cosmic shift. The two largest planets in our solar system, Jupiter and Saturn, are aligning in the sign of Aquarius. Together they will appear to form one great “Christmas Star” in the skies: a sign of hope for times to come.

The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of this Solstice marks the end of the previous 200 year cycle which was ruled by the element of Earth. The past 200 years brought us the industrial, capitalist world. This solid, heavy, earthy energy will now be replaced by the lighter, non-material energy of Air—the new ruling element for the next 200 years. Many believe that this conjunction also represents the end of the 2,000 year age of Pisces, and the beginning of the next 2,000 year age of Aquarius.

Aquarius is associated with Prometheus, the Titan who stole fire from the Gods and gave it to humanity, liberating them from the tyranny of darkness. This fire is a metaphor for the light of knowledge. In the Age of Aquarius, knowledge illuminates the collective consciousness, liberating us from many of the last era’s collective challenges. Strong focus is placed upon community, freedom, breakthrough innovation, and expanded perspective.

If you are reading this, it may just be that you are called to help lead this journey deeper into the light. Listen to your heart. Follow where the light of your passions lead you. That passion is the presence of God guiding you to fulfill your purpose as an instrument of the consciousness of Love.

For now, it is time to celebrate! Enjoy the beautiful light-activation this Solstice brings by engaging in ritual, prayer, or meditation. To honor this special Solstice— I have created a gift for you! Check out my Guided Meditation for Winter Solstice on YouTube! You’ll experience a spiritual ritual in aligning with the divine light, and an activation of your spiritual light body. I’m sending you all of my love and big hugs as we celebrate this new chapter of spiritual growth together!

Find more about Sarah Hall on her website or check out her podcast Through The Eyes Of The Angels HERE.