WizDumbe of the Meditating Lorax

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Cosmic Earth Wellness Host Brooke Berger welcomes Pan Williams to talk about Meditation, 21st century Monasticism (Monkhood), Wizardry, his service at The Goddess Temple of Ashland Oregon, Paladin Path/Knighthood and Spiritual Earth Activism.  

WizDumbe = To be wise is to be dumb. Don’t know mind. Beginner’s mind. Idiot’s mind. The Fool of the Tarot. Hollow eagle bone. Hollow bamboo. Empty chalice filled and overflowing in each moment.

Pan Williams shares...“My teacher Soryu Forall shared the Buddhist teaching “Donkeys and Oxen know. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas don’t know”. 

The ‘e’ tacked on to the end of WizDumbe is a playful way to add an old time medieval   aesthetic. It’s a lighthearted inquiry into the past roots of the English language. Fitting for the inquiry into 21st century spiritual knighthood. - Pan Williams

Sir Pan Williams is the Founder and Chief Wizarding Officer of the Paladin’s Path Order of the Graell Lineage. Pan lived the immersive residential Modern Monastic path for the past 5 years. There he spent more than 10,000 hours with the community in formal meditation practice, attending more than 50 week-or-longer intensive retreats. He is lay ordained in the Shingon Buddhist Lineage and given teaching authority in the CEDAR modern monastic tradition. In the past his path and life force energy was focused on nonprofit advocacy for the environment with groups like the National Wildlife Federation. 

Pan’s teachings draw on ecodharma, nature-based spirituality, labyrinth, dreamwork, recovery, community building, progressive politics, interpersonal connection, leadership coaching, ceremonial medicine, sacred sexuality, indigenous wisdom, sustainability, deep ecology, and racial, social, and economic justice. He holds a BA in Political Science and an MBA in Sustainable Business.

On a flowery note - by blood and by prophecy Sir Pan is a unfolding 21st century avatar of Riordan, the ancient line of Welsh bardic royalty. He is currently undergoing a year-long initiation into Druidic Wizardry through the Mysteries of Merlin via John Michael Greer. Legend has it that he was given the name Pan by a Rinzai Zen monk years ago, and never asked why. Find him meditating in the forest, cultivating leadership and community, and adventuring on quests of spiritual service.

Pan Williams Contact email:  peteloraxwilliams@gmail.com

Check out information for the Upcoming Offering of the Paladin Path at The Goddess Temple of Ashland, Oregon by CLICKING HERE!