
Divine Expression and Creativity 8 Week Program

Starts January 11th, 2021

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Divine Expression 2021

Who Is This 8 Week Experience for?

Do you feel creatively blocked because of a lack of confidence? Maybe you have been through some trauma that stops you from being creative or from expressing who you really are? Perhaps you’re looking to gain a deeper connection to the Divine and want to find ways of going deeper and expressing this?

This 8 week experience was created to help others learn ways of channeling the divine through expression and creativity. Deeper than that though, it’s a way to heal the wounds of doubt. Of getting in our own way of creating a beautiful life. Of letting the infinite well of Divine Creativity to flow through with confidence and grace.

This happens when our connection to Source, the Divine, whatever terminology you vibe with most, is clear and strong. Through practices that we teach in this experience, it is our hope that you will clear your blockages, heal your wounds, and stand firmly and confidently knowing your connection to the divine is real and it allows you to create abundance, meaning, and joy.

In this experience, not only will you will deepen your connection to Source, you’ll get to learn in an open and supportive environment with other students in group and partner activities. Learn from a trio of teachers who have mastered the art of holding loving space and have cultivated their own practices and ways of channeling the divine.

This 8 Week Experience Includes:

-Weekly Group Calls and Activities
-Meditations, Journal Prompts, and Home Exercises
-In Depth Workbook on Channeling and Working with Divine Creativity
- 1:1 Opportunities with Certified Teachers
-And Much More!

About the Teachers:

Divine expression and creativity 2021

Selomon has had a conscious connection to the Divine from an early age. But it wasn’t until he was in his 20’s that he allowed that connection to open up. He learned meditation and how to channel the energy of the divine.

The connection came through creative outlets like art, music, and literature. Today, he leads meditations, sound ceremonies, programs, and events.

Selomon’s Website | Instagram | YouTube

BP Astrology and channeler divine expression and creativity 2021

Bridget Pennisten, BP for short, is a Counselor, High Dimensional Channel, and Astrologer. She pulls on her formal psychology education to create a multi-level guidance experience.

By blending astrology and channeling with traditional counseling, her clients see life changing results that empower them to dive deep into their soul's calling and reach their goals.

BP’s Website | Instagram

Shannon Shine Divine Expression and Creativity 2021

Shannon Shine is an artist, creator, and transformational being. With the loss of both parents, other family members , and many friends, she strengthened her ability to connect with the spirit realm.

Through this deeper connection, she gained a lot of guidance and support tools for life and is now helping others through similar transformations using channelled messages, art, music, and holistic services.
Shannon’s Website | Instagram |FB Group

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