Have You Felt Shifts in Sensitivity Levels?

Article by Sarah Hall

Have You Felt Shifts in Sensitivity Levels?

Have you noticed a shift in your sensitivity levels lately, light-worker?

The Earth’s heart chakra is blooming, and her vibration is raising.

This affects everyone.

As new, higher resonating energy flows in, old energies are actively being purged.

To help you integrate these energy shifts, I worked with Archangel Metatron to create a quick and easy 5 minute vibration raising meditation for you.

Take time to notice: What old beliefs, emotions, or situations are rising to the surface for me to clear? What new insights and energies are taking their place? How is my body feeling? Is my body asking for a higher level of self-care?

As you give conscious attention and care to the shifts you’re experiencing, you’ll find that your sensitivity levels re-balance easily, and calibrate with the new global energy.

A few extra tips to help you:

  • Drink plenty of water (this helps your body integrate spiritual energy shifts).

  • Move your body (this helps you to ground your energy and connect with the Earth).

  • Spend time outdoors in nature (your body will literally calibrate to the Earth’s energy field to receive these shifts).

  • Meditate/pray/etc. to increase your awareness and connection to the new energy.

And lastly, important reminders:

  • You incarnated on this Earth during a time of massive consciousness transformation.

  • You chose this for a reason! You are here for the adventure of experiencing the awakening that comes with these changes.

  • These changes will be underway throughout your ENTIRE human lifetime. The Earth’s heart-chakra has been blooming for many, many years (it’s a gradual process), and will continue to do so your whole life.

  • Sometimes, these vibrational shifts feel more intense than at other times. Why? We’re learning to calibrate to each new vibration as it comes. (Imagine training to become a runner. The first time you run a mile, it feels intense, but once you get used to it, it feels easy. You are calibrating to new spiritual energy now, and once it settles, you’ll feel greater ease and strength within it!)

Call on the Angels for help in receiving these shifts. In doing so, you can help lead the growth and healing of all.