Syd Harvey on Permatours, Regenerative, Permaculture, Sustainable Construction

Syd has over 5 years of experience producing and hosting events that invite authentic connection and self expression. Her focus areas have been healing retreats and experiences that feature visual, healing, and performing artists as well as local producers, vendors, and practitioners. 

Through Permatours, Syd has supported the production over 20+ learn-by-doing experiences focused on permaculture and sustainable construction. 

Syd also organizes online Q&As and marketing collateral to drive in-person and digital support to hubs around the world that provide space for education and community building.

Lastly, Syd is a representative of Seeds cryptocurrency which funded Permatours in 2021. With enthusiasm, Syd educates on the power of crypto and NFTs and supports people with leveraging this emerging technology to heal the earth and drive social impact.

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