The Power Houses in the Crystal Kingdom

Article by: Allan Ward - Wander_aw

There are well over several thousand crystals and minerals in the earth at large. Out of all the planets in the solar system we probably have the most diverse variety of them. So that bears to question at hand. What are the most metaphysically powerful stones?

Well intrepid reader, I’m here to tell you. Well at least 5 crystals come to mind, and you may argue why I specifically pick these. I shall show you the way Padawan.

The reason I picked these stones is well, they came from special circumstances and they are extremely rare. By circumstances, that means how they formed or what created them.

You ever noticed that people with extreme circumstances made remarkable impacts on the world for better or worse. Well the same applies for crystals. Some you could argue have a personality all there own.



    Ah yes the most elusive and perhaps mystical stone in all of the metaphysical world Moldevite. With 220 tons in the entire world its probably the rarest stone on this list. We should mention its only location is a crater in the Chezch Rebuplic. Often called the transcendent stone, this crystal will jolt your life for better or worse. This stone is one of transformation, don’t take my word for it look up testimonials on the stone. it will bring you to your highest state. Perhaps the most astonishing reason why its so powerful is the fact its origins spark from a meteor. People either love or hate it, most either attune to it or avoid its powers. There’s an article I wrote on Moldavite that can give you more insight on this and more about the stone.

2. Tanzanite

Found 8 miles under the foothills of Kilimanjaro, it is the rarest clear gemstone formed by earth. In fact only one deposit of it is found a miniscule strip 2.5 miles long in the Merelani Hills of Tanzania . Formed from massive tectonic plate and volcanic pressure cause metamorphism of the two plates colliding. The blue hue that you see in the crystal comes from the vanadium and titanium in the area. Stimulating the third eye. This stone is also one of transformation, not as jolting as old green moldavite up above it does have its way. Should also note this is a highly vibrational stone as such if you need help with communication this is the go to….

3. Charoite

For this stone we will need to travel to the Mother Land aka Russia. This deep purple and black cosmic swirl of silicate mineral is easy to get lost looking into. Found only in Sakha republic near the Chara RIver its perhaps the rarest silicate in existence. There is only Estimated to around several thousand tons of this gem. Coming into the fray from calcium deposits with alkaline rich intrusions, add some intense heat and wa’la you have charoite. I would call this the stone of reflection, just like its outward chaotic but tranquility calm appearance. This stone forces one to look inward to heal. Its great for inner healing as its both fast working but grounding and gentle. Also noted its a great protector.

4. Lybian Desert Glass

The stone of manifestation and abundance. Cousin to Moldavite Golden Tektite is much like its counter part. Hitting deep in the solar plexus of your soul it ignites a fire within you. Formed by a meteor impact making the clearest, as well as the purest Silicon percentage tektite on earth. So much is this stone revered that king tut had a beetle made of it on his ceremonial chest plate when buried. You could probably tell that this stone its one of high vibration. That said it is gentle and is a guide to tap into your higher self. I have heard of several money generators being made from it. Just ask miss Shannon Shine who often wears an amulet made of this very stone that I gifted her years ago.

5. Quartz

I know what your thinking, that’s not even a rare stone Allan. Well as true as that may be. Quartz has made the most profound impact on all of human history. Abundant and plentiful with thousands of variety’s and colors. Its hardness resonates the perfect number 7. From the device your reading this on, to your watch and many other instruments through out time. Humans have used quartz in just about anything and everything. More often than not this is the first stone people draw to. For good reason, it amplifies and resonates in are body’s well being. Its clear and translucent, it helps us peer through anything to find a deeper meaning. may that be spiritually or through scientific methods.

I would love for anyone to argue me on this, after all there are thousands of minerals and crystals still out there I know others may say there are many more powerful. As intelligent as I am though, knowing all of them would be insane, so these are my top 5 for now.
Much love reader and God be with you…….- @Wander_aw - Host of Wander XP Podcast