The Sagittarius Archers

Nov 22-December 21

Article by: Allan Ward - @Wander_AW


Ruling Planet: Jupiter 

Element: Fire

Sign: Mutable 

Hello there archers, let's talk all about you Sagittarians. First let's get into the lore of your sign. There's a duality as your half human/horse aka the mythical centaur. Your particular sign hails from Chiron, the centaur whom all heroes flocked to for his healing and storytelling. Raised after being orphaned by nymph Philyra and then being found and raised by Apollo. He took him in and showed him the ways of medicine, music, justice, and many other pursuits. With this he was given the title "Wisest and Justest of All the Centaurs" by his counterparts. 

 Living on the larger than life mountain side of Mount Pelion in Thessaly, Chiron was incredibly intelligent and most of all a healer. Hence why he was given title over botany and pharmacy. 

Unlike other violent warring centaurs, he helped the likes of Heracles, Achilles, Ajax, Perseus, Odysseus, as well as others. Training them in the art of war and battle, healing them when ailed. 

That brings us to why Sagittarius is in the sky. It’s debated on who did it or if it was user error. Chiron fell by a poisoned arrow, not being able to heal himself and giving up his immortality, he passed. Zeus feeling sympathy, put his body into the stars making the constellation you see today.

Many of the traits you exhibit in Centaur can be attributed to your lineage of history. Such as your kindness. The ability to see past others struggles and help. Your mutable ability, like your brethren and sisters of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, comes with different tact.

People feel at ease around your warmth and comforting words of wisdom. That also plays host to many secrets, though you may not use them for evil. People can be turned off when you bring it to their attention when they have riled you up. After all, you are a fire sign, as such you love the drama. Speaking of drama, perhaps the best example of this is Taylor Swift…….. Right moving on.

People can spot you far away with your extravagant style, while it’s not necessarily Gucci or Prada. You have a flair about you even a Pisces and Leo tag teaming would find hard to match. You very much are the evocation of freedom, in all forms of your trotting life.

You love to travel, you’re perhaps the most mobile figure in the zodiac. You need the air of uncertain, but most of all new discovery’s in your life. Anyone who partners a Saggi may find it hard to lock them down, that is until much later in life. Who is really to try, I mean you do have 4 legs made for walking. Now you just need to find those pristine stylish boots to match….

You love to entertain people, via music, art or any sort of storytelling. Once you get going its hard to shut you up. Also, you may have some musical talents. Your ability to garner money comes from your ability to mold and speak on the current topic others want to commune on. Combine that with your quick witted ability, and jester-like humor, people fawn over you.

This sign perhaps is the only one that can play nice with everyone. No qualms there as your character held a host of would be heroes. As such, you like to train people, guiding them and offering service. It's innate in you. Be warned though not everyone one is deserving. Sometimes others will become full of jealousy or take your kindness as weakness and try to slight you. Often, if you help others, you may find that poison arrow in your side.

So be warned with all your blooming energy. You do have a tendency to push people on the brink with your talkative nature. Also, you can be drama filled, I mean all those people, and hero’s, and celebrity status can take a toll. One thing you should work on is your sharp tongue. Especially in todays cancel culture, even if you feel your arrow is striking true.

As with most of the fire signs, you can come off pretentious and showy. With your sign, it’s more I know everything and you should listen to me. Where as with others it’s either, I am number one {Thats you Aries}, or I am King/Queen who reigns supreme {ahem Leo that’s you}.

If you can manage to not be too flaunty and watch your budget, what a powerhouse you can be.

Aim high and strike hard my equestrian friend, until the next adventure……………………..