The Stinging Scorpio

October 23-November 21st

Article by: Allan Ward - @Wander_AW

Ruled by Pluto


November November Remember the Dates of Scorpio in October to November.  The coming end of the Fall comes with Scorpio. As with any change of the season, it ushers in another fixed sign. For more on that read my article about fixed signs.

Let's dive into the lore of this sign. First, let's talk about another figure in the sky, Orion the giant hunter. Standing taller than most men and beast, he was well renowned in his day. Rumors flew that he was going to surpass the gods in strength, speed, and power. Orion was a very boastful man. 

As such, he constantly tests his skill as both a huntsman and warrior. Even shouting at the Gods, themselves. The Gods grew tired of the mockery. It wasn't until he boasted he would kill any and all beast that Gaia was drawn into the fray.

She created a giant scorpion, one which stung Orion killing him. The Gods in respect put both beings into the heavens. Since they were mortal enemies, they separated them.  This is why you will never see Orion and Scorpio together in the sky.

First of note, Scorpions can be great leaders with their passion and emotion, though this can be a detriment to them, thinking with heart instead of mind often. But then again, that's why they shine in pursuits of raising others. It could be argued, at least for the United States, that people love Scorpio leaders.

John Adams, Warren G. Harding, Theodore Rosevelt to name a few. As with any fixed sign in the zodiac, they are intense. For a Scorpio, this comes from the unwillingness to let go of something they want. Try taking the prey from an actual Scorpion and you will get stung with great lethality (you get my point). 

That brings me to the next point here, crossing one could be dire.  After all, they have the highest percentage of serial killers. Makes sense as they are the only other hunters of the zodiac (talking to you Leo). Caring deeply and from the heart is their forte. Makes sense considering that the constellation's heart is the brightest star, Antares. As such, they do things that emotionally drive them. Anything less than this they will be in great discontent.

Quintessentially their Bad boy or Crazy girl aura is what draws people in. They don't directly command a room so much as are felt. That is people will sense a Scorpio innately and not visually. When they do lock eyes on one, oh buddy is it fierce.  Scorpios have what I would call calculating movement to them. With all that though, they don't have many fears, as most things do not want to feel that stinger. 

Intelligence is pivotal in them but in a more mysterious alluring way, much like Capricorn. While not directly viewed to others at first, once you get them talking, it's like an amalgamation of random knowledge. Their intense observation of things around them allows such an absorption of knowledge it's innate to them. Combine that with their intense sensory traits, rarely will you catch or run anything past their pincers. 

Most of their beauty comes from this sort of intimidating presence. That is when they want to be more often this character in the background, although not in every case. They are resilient and have amazing staying power even at great cost. This kind of dedication has others enamored.  If I could some up a Scorpio individual it would be the MCU depiction of Loki. Ahem both male and female versions. 

With that being said, advice from them, although cold and forward, is immeasurable. Often, they see things you didn't even catch. They make good friends and partners. Will fight on your behalf. Get you one in your corner.

As always Scuttle on space cadets………….
