Clean Up Your Space - Guided Meditation

If it’s true that what’s going on around you in your physical environment, is also what’s going on within you, within your mind and thoughts, emotions and feelings, as well as spiritually, then what do you think happens when you clean up your space?


When the floors are clean, swept and vacuumed, perhaps your soul, your thoughts and emotions are also cleaned up.


This guided meditation is meant to help you organize and clean up your physical space, as well as your innerspace, your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.


For right now breathe, taking in the oxygen that provides you with life.

Exhaling and giving the trees carbon dioxide they need to live.


Life is in perfect balance and harmony when you focus on your breath.


Now it’s time open up to this guided meditation and clean out what no longer serves you.


Imagine yourself cleaning up an area of your space. This could be a house, shed, garage, car.


Have some fun with this meditation, really get into it and imagine yourself making good progress cleaning it all up.


As it becomes more clean and organized, imagine yourself feeling better and better.


Think about all the good that comes from this space being cleaned. You can think more clearly, have more room to do the things you want to, you gain more peace.


What do you need in order to be motivated to clean this space in your physical life?

Imagine that whatever you need comes to you at the perfect time.


Now finish up your meditation and return to your physical senses.


Breathe in as deep as you can and exhale all the air out of your lungs.

Open your eyes.


Thank you all for joining me. I appreciate you so much. Check back every Monday for a new meditation guided by me Selomon.


You can find more about me and other meditations at


Have a great rest of your day and namaste.