Using Gratitude to Improve Relationships

This meditation is great for improving the quality of your relationships with family and friends. It also helps you to realize all the things others do for you. Practice this meditation to send more gratitude to those people.

We’ll start by becoming mindful of our breath. This is a simple exercise you can do anywhere at anytime to bring your awareness into the moment. Notice how it helps you to relax. Allow your weight to sink into the ground. Imagine each muscle beginning to relax.

Any physical tension is melting away. Notice how good that feels. Continue to be conscious of your breathing as your body spreads all that oxygen to every cell. It releases any blockages, any tension in your body as you sink deeper and deeper into relaxation.


Think of a moment in which someone did something really nice for you. Maybe someone took you out to eat, or gave you a compliment. If more than one moment comes up, that’s great.

Think of that moment with as much detail as you can. Just really painting a picture of that moment in your mind. How did it make you feel?

Focus deeply on that feeling.

Would you like to feel like this more often?

Think of another moment. Either a friend, family member, or even a stranger. If another person waved for you to go first, that could be one.

Does this moment produce similar feelings to the other one?

If this is something you enjoy, imagine being able to experience it more often. Imagine being able to do something nice for others. This creates a chain reaction that will continue to strengthen.

Whenever you are ready, take a deep inhale, and a deep exhale. You can open your eyes if they are closed and return from the meditation.

My name is Selomon and I am here for you if you would like a personal meditation session. I also do reiki and sound healing. You can find more about me and other meditations at

Also make sure to follow Project Bring Me 2 Life for daily inspiration and activities that will help you live the life you dream about.

Thank you all. Have a great day. And Namaste.